The Memorial Monument
Thousands of Sumner County residents have answered the call to service and have taken the oath to “Defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies.” The Sumner County Memorial honors those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of our great county.
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Wall of Honor
For those that have served
The patriotism found in Sumner County residents is deep-rooted and goes back many generations. Thousands of residents have answered the call to duty and have placed themselves in harm’s way serving in the Armed Forces of the United States of America in wartime and peacetime as well. modo.
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Buy A Brick
remember your heroes
The 'Wall of Honor ' is comprised of engraved bricks representing those that have served in the armed forces that are from Sumner County or currently reside there. Bricks can be purchased through this web site or you can mail an order form (downloaded from this web site).
Read moreAll Gave Some . . .Some Gave All.
If you do not want to purchase a brick or paving stone, but you would like to make a donation to Sumner County Veterans Park, click the DONATE button at right.
Use your credit/debit card. You do not
need a PayPal account to make a donation.

The park is designed and maintained by
Vietnam Veterans of America,
Chapter 240,
Sumner County, Tennessee.
Visit our website at vva240.com